Cat Care & Behavior Tips

Kitty-Proofing Your House

Make sure your house is safe, fresh and fun.

Lots of vets recommend you keep your kitty indoors to keep her safe from cars, other predators, and things like poisons. But there’s also plenty of danger lurking inside the house for a fuzzy someone that likes to explore, chew and scratch — we’re talking about your cat, not you. Here are some quick tips to make sure your home is safe for your BFF (best feline friend).

cat scratching a post
Step It Up to Superior Odor Control


Cats are famous for chewing on any and every plant in the home, mostly out of curiosity. But you know the saying about curiosity…It turns out that many indoor plants are poisonous for kittens, including poinsettia, lilies, philodendron, azaleas and many more. Do a quick search on plants that are poison for cats, and either put them in hanging planters out of Kitty’s reach, or retire your indoor green thumb. We know it’s hard. But it’s the plants or the cat.


Kitty (especially kittens) won’t be too discerning when it comes to grabbing food that’s been left on the counter. Put away anything that could upset her tummy — or which you’re saving for your dinner.

Electrical Cords

For a cat who loves to chew, electrical cords are like a play toy, but a play toy filled with dangerous electricity. Either tape your cords to the side of your appliances, or bundle them up in harder-to-chew cord protector.

High Shelves

Cats are naturally gifted climbers. This means that they’d love to climb up on that shelf and knock over your grandmother’s tea set just to see what happens. Unfortunately, if the shelf isn’t secured, it could topple over, Kitty and all. Secure the shelf to the wall, put away the expensive crystal, and get the cat tree that your feline craves.

Cleaning Supplies

Make sure all cleaning supplies are in a closed cabinet out of Kitty’s reach. And remember, when you’re done cleaning the tub or the sink, give it a thorough rinse. Kitties love to get in the tub and drink the water.


These tiny troublemakers love to knock over the trash to see if there’s something tasty in there. While there might be, there might also be something poisonous. This one’s an easy solve: just get a garbage can with a secured lid.

Windows and Doors

Especially when you’re bringing Kitty home for the first time, make sure all windows and doors are secured. Otherwise, your new kitty will escape — and won’t know how to get back to her new home.

Craft Supplies

Cats love to play with — and sometimes ingest — yarn, thread and ribbons. If you want to avoid a potentially hefty vet bill, make sure all these items are secured when the crafting session’s done.

We know all this sounds like a lot. But it’s absolutely worth it to make sure your cute furry friend has a safe and fun time in your house for years to come.

Distract Kitty with a Good Toy

A great way to keep cats from destroying your stuff is to give them something better. Entertain Kitty with a toy built especially for her or something special from the Paw Points® Rewards catalog.