Cat Enrichment Tips

How to Play with Your Cat

It's time for playtime!

Step It Up to Superior Odor Control

Supplies you'll need

  • Tossable toys (like balls)
  • Fishing pole toys
  • Feather teasers
  • Laser pointer
  • Treats
  • Storage bin (to rotate toys and keep playtime exciting)

Step By Step


Choose the right toy

Pick a toy that mimics prey, like a feather teaser, ball, or fishing pole toy. Rotate toys regularly to keep things interesting.


Engage your cat’s hunting instincts

Move the toy like real prey: dart it around, hide it behind objects, or make it “flee” to encourage pouncing.


Let them catch the toy

Cats love the chase, but they need the satisfaction of catching their “prey.” Allow them to pounce and grab it now and then.


Avoid using your hands

Wiggling fingers might seem fun, but it teaches cats that hands are toys (and that means scratches). Stick to actual toys!


Keep sessions short and fun

Aim for two 10-minute play sessions per day. Cats love bursts of activity followed by rest.